Calvary Missions: Bonnie Carbo's Story

“I consider myself to be truly fortunate to have been given the opportunity to travel on this very first Calvary Vision Trip to Europe. Having spent 30 plus years in public education, I had never committed to giving up precious vacation hours to participate in an extended stay on a mission field. My recent retirement has allowed me the freedom to utilize my time and talents for more volunteer efforts. I will admit I felt out of my comfort zone. This was not for fear of traveling out of the country, but the sheer magnitude of the responsibility of effectively witnessing and reaching out to a vast number of unbelievers. Calvary’s mission statement — “to lead every person to be a fully devoted follower of Christ”—inspired and encouraged me “to be a mission-minded servant.” I needed to answer the questions posed to us by our pastor… “How am I using my time and talents for the good of others? How am I participating in God’s mission to spread the Gospel to the world? And as Pastor Todd reminds all of us… “God calls us to do scary and uncomfortable things sometimes.”
There are around 6 million NAME (North African Middle Eastern) people in this European country. These individuals are refugees and immigrants who had come searching for a better life. A level of racial tension exists in Gateway Crescent City, stemming from the immense numbers of immigrants. Our team of seven ministered, witnessed, and prayed with the NAME population in an effort to tangibly support our fellow church member, Maria*, in her ministry. We worked alongside Maria and her teammates in areas where the NAME people lived and worked. Some of these families have already reached several generations, and most continue to maintain the culture and traditions of their homelands. The female members of our team offered free henna, conversation (aided by interpreters), evangelistic fellowship, and an exchange of cultural knowledge with women in marketplaces and other areas where they frequently congregated. Several of these ladies attended a small get-together at one of the team member´s apartment. We were able to spend almost five hours with them—sharing personal testimonies, our Thanksgiving traditions, and concluded with the making of friendship bracelets. Our team engaged in intentional prayer walks around the city with the Crescent City team.
Calvary’s team visited and worshipped at two churches, one of them planted by one of the team members. What an amazing experience it was to worship in a song service led by a born-again Christian, who escaped to Crescent city as an immigrant and faithful follower of Islam, only to be led to Christ by these workers! The pastor of the church was originally from Palestine—and volunteers as the pastor. Everything during the service at this church was translated into Arabic, Farsi, and English. (It brought to mind the day of Pentecost!) Christian Stubbs delivered a sermon, and Megan and Matt gave their testimonies. We shared communion with the church, and fellowshipped afterwards.
The entire trip was a humbling experience. I am truly in awe of the dedication, zeal, and enthusiasm demonstrated by Maria and her co-workers. These disciples of Christ give their lives to bringing the word of God to this NAME population. These workers are true servants of God. They are selfless, determined, and intentional—on a daily basis—of bringing unbelievers to the knowledge of the Bible and the miracle of God’s amazing grace! I feel honored to have been a small part of the Calvary team who traveled on this visionary trip to Europe. I so admire the individual talents, skills, and Christian spirits of my Calvary teammates. I am proud to be a member of a church who recognizes the need - and who obeys God’s commands—to spread the gospel around the world.” - Bonnie Carbo
There are around 6 million NAME (North African Middle Eastern) people in this European country. These individuals are refugees and immigrants who had come searching for a better life. A level of racial tension exists in Gateway Crescent City, stemming from the immense numbers of immigrants. Our team of seven ministered, witnessed, and prayed with the NAME population in an effort to tangibly support our fellow church member, Maria*, in her ministry. We worked alongside Maria and her teammates in areas where the NAME people lived and worked. Some of these families have already reached several generations, and most continue to maintain the culture and traditions of their homelands. The female members of our team offered free henna, conversation (aided by interpreters), evangelistic fellowship, and an exchange of cultural knowledge with women in marketplaces and other areas where they frequently congregated. Several of these ladies attended a small get-together at one of the team member´s apartment. We were able to spend almost five hours with them—sharing personal testimonies, our Thanksgiving traditions, and concluded with the making of friendship bracelets. Our team engaged in intentional prayer walks around the city with the Crescent City team.
Calvary’s team visited and worshipped at two churches, one of them planted by one of the team members. What an amazing experience it was to worship in a song service led by a born-again Christian, who escaped to Crescent city as an immigrant and faithful follower of Islam, only to be led to Christ by these workers! The pastor of the church was originally from Palestine—and volunteers as the pastor. Everything during the service at this church was translated into Arabic, Farsi, and English. (It brought to mind the day of Pentecost!) Christian Stubbs delivered a sermon, and Megan and Matt gave their testimonies. We shared communion with the church, and fellowshipped afterwards.
The entire trip was a humbling experience. I am truly in awe of the dedication, zeal, and enthusiasm demonstrated by Maria and her co-workers. These disciples of Christ give their lives to bringing the word of God to this NAME population. These workers are true servants of God. They are selfless, determined, and intentional—on a daily basis—of bringing unbelievers to the knowledge of the Bible and the miracle of God’s amazing grace! I feel honored to have been a small part of the Calvary team who traveled on this visionary trip to Europe. I so admire the individual talents, skills, and Christian spirits of my Calvary teammates. I am proud to be a member of a church who recognizes the need - and who obeys God’s commands—to spread the gospel around the world.” - Bonnie Carbo
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