Missions Update – Honduras – June 2024

Recent Honduras Mission Trip

Our Honduras team had an amazing week of clinics and door to door evangelism in June. They had a wonderful time ministering to the needs of others and seeing many people come to Christ. Here are just a few of the testimonies from our team members. You can find these and more by following our Mission’s Ministry on Facebook.

Jennifer has a powerful testimony about her experience on the Honduras trip. She realized on the trip many ways where she can grow in her relationship with God. She says, “If I wouldn’t have come on this trip, I wouldn’t have realized this.” It was great to see Jennifer and many others grow in their passion for Christ!

“This mission trip profoundly changed my perspective, deepening my empathy and understanding of diverse cultures and seeing their struggles. It also strengthened my commitment to service, inspiring me to continue to help others in meaningful ways. I’m very grateful for Calvary Baptist church. Because of these priceless opportunities, we are able to utilize our God given gifts to share the ‘good news’ of the gospel to all who we encounter.” – Kourtny

“I will never forget the many precious Honduran villagers that kindly welcomed us onto their humble porches and in their homes to allow us to talk about Jesus and pray with them! Serving the people there, sharing the gospel with many, and worshiping through music with them was life changing. Being able to do all this along side my beautiful, hardworking church family made it so special! The best part was after our team shared the gospel with a young girl, I was able to lead her in a salvation prayer through our translator.” – Stacy “As a nurse, I travel to Honduras believing I can make a difference in the lives of the people in the village we serve. I return home realizing the difference is always in me.” – Rich

“Thank you, Calvary family, for helping provide a life changing week for my daughter and me. We were able to serve the needs of the people of Honduras while getting to know and worship with members of our own church family.” – Karla


Special Needs VBS

Over 148 participants and family members, supported by more than 115 dedicated volunteers, had a wonderful time diving into God’s Word and discovering the timeless truth that God’s Word never changes! Throughout the week, our guests engaged in heartfelt worship, enriching Bible studies, and creative activities like crafting beautiful picture frames to cherish memories with new friends. Thank you, Calvary, for your unwavering commitment to enriching the lives of others and creating unforgettable experiences for our friends with special needs.

Meet our new Preschool Ministry Director Sarah Kate Ramsey

Hi! My name is Sarah Kate Ramsey. My husband, Jared, and I have been a part of Calvary for almost twenty years. We have four children: Rhett (13), Ella (10), Charlie (9), and Harris (6). We love being involved in the local church and firmly believe in Calvary’s mission. Over the years, we have served in various roles, and I am excited to join the staff as the new preschool ministry director. With a background in early childhood education, I feel that God’s kindness has woven together my experiences and gifts to lead me here. I look forward to serving our volunteers, parents, and children as we prepare the future church. Join us in planting seeds of faith!

Unwavering Fun at VBS 2024

Unwavering Fun at VBS 2024
We had a blast at “Breaker Rock Beach” this year! A total of 962 kids and volunteers gathered for Vacation Bible School, with 25 making salvation decisions to follow Jesus. Additionally, $5,162 was donated by the children to the Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home in Monroe, LA. Thank you, church, for serving, supporting, and praying for this amazing outreach opportunity! Kids from all over the community heard the Gospel, experienced the Truth of the Bible, and felt the love of Jesus poured into them throughout the week. Thank you, Lord, for this incredible time and for reminding us that…God’s Truth Never Changes!

Discover Calvary

June 23
Alexandria Campus :: 1:00pm :: A209

The place for those wanting to discover more about the ministries of Calvary and those who want to become members Come discover your place at Calvary!
Alexandria Contact: Jonathon Murphy, jmurphy@calvarynet.net

The Lord’s Supper

The Lord’s Supper

Observance of The Lord’s Supper
June 23 :: 9:00am & 10:30am :: Alex. Campus

On the night before His crucifixion, Jesus shared a last supper with His disciples (Matthew 26:17-30). It was an intimate moment in which He taught them again about salvation.

We believe that the Lord’s Supper is a symbol. The elements of bread and juice symbolize the broken body and shed blood of Jesus for the forgiveness of our sins.

The Lord’s Supper is to be observed by those who have personally confessed and repented of their sins and have turned to Jesus as their personal Savior and only means of salvation.  If you know Jesus as your Savior, you are invited to participate whether you are a member of the Calvary Church Family or not.

The purpose of the Lord’s Supper is to help us remember Christ and what He did for our salvation until He comes again.

(1 Corinthians 11:23-29).  We encourage you to use this time for reflection and meditation.

Our prayer is that each person will leave the service with a renewed sense of appreciation for what Jesus did for us and a renewed commitment to follow Him more fully in every area of our lives.

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