Observance of The Lord’s Supper
September 29 :: 9:00am & 10:30am :: Alex. Campus
On the night before His crucifixion, Jesus shared a last supper with His disciples (Matthew 26:17-30). It was an intimate moment in which He taught them again about salvation.
We believe that the Lord’s Supper is a symbol. The elements of bread and juice symbolize the broken body and shed blood of Jesus for the forgiveness of our sins.
The Lord’s Supper is to be observed by those who have personally confessed and repented of their sins and have turned to Jesus as their personal Savior and only means of salvation. If you know Jesus as your Savior, you are invited to participate whether you are a member of the Calvary Church Family or not.
The purpose of the Lord’s Supper is to help us remember Christ and what He did for our salvation until He comes again.
(1 Corinthians 11:23-29). We encourage you to use this time for reflection and meditation.
Our prayer is that each person will leave the service with a renewed sense of appreciation for what Jesus did for us and a renewed commitment to follow Him more fully in every area of our lives.
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