Jr. High Mission Arlington Trip
February 25-27, 2022 :: 7th-8th Grade :: REGISTER NOW
Our Jr. High students will serve others through backyard-bible studies, helping in the food pantry, sorting and distributing food, conversationally sharing the Gospel, and more. Our primary emphasis will be the missions efforts, but there is a Buc-ee’s on the way there! Cost is $40/student. calvarynet.net/register
Sr. High Mission Waco Trip
April 8-10, 2022 :: 9th-12th Grade :: REGISTER NOW
Sr. High students will take a weekend journey like no other! We will participate in a Poverty Simulation where they will live homeless for a weekend and see what it is like to walk in the shoes of someone in extreme poverty. This eye-opening experience will deepen their walk with Jesus in many ways.
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